Meet the Team Behind B&R’s Wellness Trips

For Butterfield & Robinson, the idea of travelling for the mind, body and soul is nothing new. ‘Slow down to the see the world’ has been our philosophy for over 50 years now—long before concepts like slow food and slow travel came into the mainstream. 

At the core of any B&R trip is the idea of balance. We pair upscale dinners with lunches on organic farms, sweat it out on our bikes to a wine tasting at the finish line and make sure to follow up an early wake-up call one morning with a leisurely breakfast the next. 

Wellness Trip

Our wellness trip portfolio builds upon this already well-laid foundation. These trips focus on more challenging physical activity complemented by optional yoga classes, farm-to-table fare, pampering downtime and infusing local traditions of well-being. We want you to depart your trip feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, while also having indulged and immersed you in the region’s offerings.

What allows us to deliver this type of experience is a team that lives by the practices they preach. Meet the team behind the scenes and on the front lines of our wellness trips, what wellness means to them and how they combine their knowledge with our philosophy to deliver you an unforgettable (and dare we say—life-changing) experience.

The post Meet the Team Behind B&R’s Wellness Trips appeared first on The Slow Road Luxury Travel Blog.