Q&A With Axel Klubescheidt Brand Home & Education Manager For Black Forest Distillers

Brand Home & Education Manager for Monkey 47, Axel Klubescheidt, tells us what it’s like to be a gin expert, shares his favourite way to drink gin and gives us an insight into the Black Forest Distillery experience. Read on to discover more. 

How did you come to be involved with Monkey 47?

I’d been working in the world of spirits for several years when the founder of Monkey 47, Alexander Stein, approached me personally about joining his team and I didn’t hesitate for a second. Working directly with the founder of a gin I loved so much was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Please tell us more about your role as Global Brand Ambassador for Black Forest Distillers (Monkey 47)

My role is to represent Monkey 47 and tell the stories of this incredible spirit. This can include, press interviews with journalists from all over the world or hosting gin masterclasses, tastings and tradeshows. In my role I travel around a lot which is great, I always have a busy schedule but I love it. Alongside the travelling, I work closely with our marketing teams to make sure our global strategy is keeping us at the forefront of the industry.

Describe a typical day – if such a thing exists!

Nothing happens before I have had a good coffee in the morning, after that the world is my oyster. Each day is something new and exciting, no two days are ever the same. That’s why I love my job so much.

Monkey 47 has been referenced as a ‘cult’ gin, do you think this is an accurate description and how and why do you think this is the case? Was it part of the plan?!

The word ‘cult’ is a big word, I prefer to think of Monkey 47 as a truly ‘unique’ gin. When Alexander set out to develop Monkey 47, he planned to create a complex liquid that was full of flavour and had interesting stories to tell, I’d say he achieved that.

Read our guide to the best gin distilleries in Europe

47 botanicals are used in the production of the gin and this includes some unconventional fruit ingredients – how did the idea to use them come about and how did the team perfect the blend?

The Black Forest is known for its distilling tradition of Eau-de-Vies and fruit schnapps. It seemed only logical to take what we knew worked already, push the boundaries with it and create a unique blend that tastes exceptional. After experimenting and testing, the teams knew that they had created something special.

Which is your favourite way to drink Monkey 47?

I have two favourites; one is called a ‘Lossburger Landweingschorle’ which is just Gin and Soda with a grapefruit twist. Pour it into a highball and voila. It’s easy but amazing. My second favourite is in a Corpse Reviver No.2 which consists of Gin, Lemon, Lillet Blanc, Absinthe and Orange Liqueur.

Read our guide to the Fritz Lauterbad hotel in the Black Forest

Please tell us more about the Black Forest and the distillery experience? What can visitors expect from their visit?

For a gin lover, there is no better experience than to visit the Monkey 47 Distillery, it is truly unforgettable. During the visit, guests are guided through the production of Monkey 47 from the selection of the ingredients, to the distillation and resting process by one of our experts, the process opens people’s eyes to the dedication and care that we put into our product. They’ll try not only the unique liquid but also some culinary delicacies from the Black Forest as well.

Luxury is a highly subjective term, what does it mean to you?

Time, health and being surrounded by good people is my definition of luxury.

Please share your life motto (if you have one).

My life motto is that experience is the only way to create loyalty. You can only drink a certain number of drinks in your life, so drink nice ones!


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